Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chapter 2!!! Happiness is. . .

There are many things in chapter two that rang true in my life! It is a bit less intense as last week but I believe the message to be just as strong. The chapter starts talking about the blesses are the. . nine times does the word blessed come in this chapter.

Q1: Going over the blessed are's in Matthew 5:12 which do you feel strongly connected with?

It brings up a number of times that the world and Jesus have different views on what True Happiness is. The world saying that happiness is in what you acquire, or your status. . . And Jesus saying you find happiness in obeying his fathers will for your life, whatever it may be.

Q2: Have you had a false image of what happiness is? If so how do we learn to look away from the worlds view and focus on what God wants for us?

You cannot fill a mans internal cup with external things.
It also says that Happiness is not produced by circumstances.
Vanity= emptiness
Filling the void of your soul with the junk of the world still wont make you happy.

Q3: what external things are you thinking makes you happy?

Q4: are you using circumstances as excuses keeping you away from your true happiness that God wants for your life?

(One thing I found interesting is that the Old Testament ended in a curse, the New Testament began with a blessing and ended with a promise. I just never heard it that way and thought it was kinda cool. )

Physical things cannot touch your soul. How true a statement is that, some people turn to sex, food, shopping, gossip, but nothing can sooth your soul, or put you at ease like Jesus.

But in saying all these things about obtaining things-
Q5: do you think God doesn't want us to have nice things? How do you feel about this?

Political Context:

I found it interesting that Jesus never brought up Politics, "saying my kingdom is not in this world."
It talks about the stress is on "being" being who you are for the Lord, not what you do, does he want you to serve, I personally think yes, but that comes with obeying. God is not after "what men do" but "who they are."

Q6: Do you think Jesus will bless you because of what you do?

Religious Context:

Pharisees say go back
Sadducee's say go ahead
Essenes say go out
Zealots say go against
Jesus says they are all wrong
My kingdom is inside us. He talks so much about where are heart is more so than what we do.

Q7: where is your heart at? Do you need to refocus the direction of your heart?

"Lets commit ourselves to be the kind of People God wants us to be, remembering that we have the capacity, if we know the Lord Jesus Christ, to appropriate kingdom living into our lives. "
Thank you Jesus for your son and thank you for your grace.


Jesus Journals said...

1. I think all of them speak of a basic need inside and Jesus says he'll meet it.
2. Sometimes I've believed happiness was the absence of pain. That's not what God's word says, happiness or joy is something you have in the midst of life.
3. Sometimes I think financial stability or my kids doing well can make me satisfied, then God reaches in and asks me to 'be' satisfied this moment.
4. no
5. I think you're right that God wants us to 'be' wholly His and wholly satisfied this moment, regardless of whatever is going on at that moment.. Praise Him and trust Him.
6. That's sometimes a thinking our culture employs, be good and God will bless you. I think the real thing is God is blessing you, walk into it.
7. I pray for all of us to stay focused. Keep on being what He wants no matter what happens or who happens to be near us.

Katie said...

1. All of the blessed that Jesus refers to on the Mount reflects the exact opposite of what culture would depict as happy. I believe that Jesus is reveals to us that worldly happiness is the bait that Satan uses to entrap us. My favorite part of this scripture is where Jesus says, "Blessed are thos who hunger and thirst for righteousness, FOR THEY SHALL BE SATISFIED." As a women in today's society to be content or satisfied is something in itself a miracle. I felt that as I read that God spoke directly to me. The only description of the blessed was those that where poor in spirit? I realize it's importance since it was the first one described, but what exactly is he referring to?

2. Of course, I feel that many times I am disillusioned by what I think will make me happy. Many times it is whatever is quick and convient. It doesn't help that our capitalist and rich country is always shoving propaganda at us 24-7 about what we must have to be the better, healther, prettier status quo. Personally, as a Christian I am still being shown the path towards ture happiness. I know that as my perception of happiness continues to change and become more Christ centered the more sastified and "happy" I am. I must say that I am slightly biased since I have grown up white middle class and have never truly know what it is to go without. I do know that even with having such a blessed life I realize that money, fame and status seems like a wild goose chase that is never attainable.
3. Diet Pepsi is probably the first "thing" I turn to for relief. I know I have a problem, however, God is patient with me and I am learning to fall on him first each and every day. My family is the other external thing that makes me happy. I spent 3 minutes video taping the boys in the Park and it was the happiest moment for me. It makes me wonder if God takes just as much pleasure watching us. Anyway, I am a consumer so many times I turn to things to fix me...after 27 years I'm realizing the only real times I was happy was when I was walking with the Lord.
4.Yes I'm guilty for using my circumstances for an excuse not to spend time with the Lord. However, here of late, I've realized that I CANNOT TEACH PRESCHOOLERS WITHOUT HIS STRENGHT AND THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. Last night after reading Romans I learned that suffering brings perserverance that brings character that brings hope. An interesting order for inspiring hope, but it is true. When I'm in that classroom there is nothing that I need more than Jesus.
5. As far as having nice things I think it is the heart that God is more concerned with. Do you worship the things that you have or want? Do we use the things we have to show status or superiority? I once worked with a nutritionist that worked for WIC, she made very good money, but told me somthing very insightful. She said that in her profession she would not be able to make the people she helped feel comfortable if she dressed up so she always tried to dressin a way that she would stand out. I think in the same way so should our things and appearance. Are we turning people away from us because we have nice things or our we using them to draw people closer to God?

(Kara-Great questions I'm so proud of you for putting this together. I really have enjoyed the book and know that God is using this bible study to speak to me. I love you and I thank the Lord for such a wonderful sis!)

kara said...

1) i think i agree with Cris- they all sorta go together. You have to be all the things and trust that Jesus will meet those needs.
2)Happiness can be anytime in our lives, even in the sad and painful times, i think we need to look for it. 3)i always want to say my husband, but even with him i need jesus to make our marriage have true happiness.
4) sometime- i say this one all the time- im too busy- God id worth slowing down for!
5)I think God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, as long as we allow the gifts God gave us to be used for his glory i believe nice things are ok.
6) I believe everyone is called to serve, not in the same way. Jesus asked us to do. I think if you are walking everyday with the Lord and are doing what he asks you to do then you are serving.
7)my heart is in love with Jesus. At times i feel so overwhelmed with my life that i think i have to micromange my life to fit everything in and find balance, it i truly just let go God takes over and makes my heart at peace!