Sunday, September 21, 2008


This chapter was really great at opening up your eyes to what it takes to really give yourself selflessly to Jesus!

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3
"A truly proud person rarely See's himself as such"

The sermon on the mount calls for a new standard of living, and this chapter focuses on the "poor in spirit" and what that means!

Q1) What do you think it means to be poor in spirit?

the book talks about knowing how things work, and what to do if you don't. It tells you to look in the manual or as the manufacturer.

Q2) Are you asking your manufacturer how you work?
Q3) Are you listening?

The chapter talks about emptying self to fill with God.
You cant be filled until you are empty, you cant be worth while until you are worthless.

Q4) What does this mean to you?

"Happiness is for the Humble"

Talks about being beggar poor- being totally dependent on God-

Q5) when do you feel you are totally dependent on God? Do you think the amount is more or less.

"anyone who exalts himself will be humbled, anyone who humbles himself will be exalted."

Q6) what does this mean to you?

Going over the three principles to become poor in spirit .
1) Don't try to do it yourself
2)Starve the flesh
3) Ask God for help

Q7) Have you done this and if not where are you at in this process?
Q8) Reflect over the 7 characteristics "poor in spirit" how does this pertain to your life?

1 comment:

Jesus Journals said...

Crissy says;

The end of this chapter really brought me up short. I think about me all the time especially in relationship to my husband and I've been at this soooo long. You'd think by now Jesus's words would get through. another book I'm reading about worship seems to meet with this subject. I have to get to the place where I don't matter and the things of God are the only thing...Seems like I can be selfless for about a nano second...sometimes in worship sometimes in prayer sometimes when I'm serving and listening. It's so cool when it happens. I think that is what heaven is like. We don't think like we do here. I think learning this is always in process because god has given us stuff to take care of and people to love and have relationship with and it gets messy sometimes. But I think that doesn't stop us from going for the goal of truely looking after godliness more than selfishness. So I've still got lots to learn and more to put into practice but I'm not giving up just because I'm not there yet. I'm even gonna read pages 68-69 several more times so I will set my goals high enough...